Beautiful Blogger Award!!! (Wooo! :D)

Hei Lovelies!!

Guess what! 🙂

….I was nominated for the Beautiful Blogger Award!!! 😀 WOO

Haha, I’m so happy and ecstatic about this I feel extremely honored to receive this especially due to the fact that I haven’t been posting anything (I’m sorry loves).
I would love to thank the lovely Kaui from kauifrommaui, wow girl thank you so much!! I never in a million years would of thought of being nominated for this. Kaui you are lovely! She’s a true gem in this sea of bloggers so you definitely need to check her out guys! She posts everything from Fashion, Books to Beauty and Motherhood!
Plus she’s from Hawaii ;D ♥
So from me to you Kaui Kiitos! ♥ 🙂

Now lets get to it! 🙂

The Rules:

Display the Award logo on your blog.

Thank the person who nominated you and link back to them.

Nominate 7 other bloggers and say a little something about them.

Let them know they have been nominated.

My Nominated Lovelies ♥:

Simply Taylor Rae: Taylor is somebody who I immediately fell in love with! Her blog literally gives me joy especially when she posts something new. Games and me mix A LOT and she offers this! So I’m basically a little kid in a candy store when it comes to her blog. Games, Beauty, Fashion, finding you inner nerd 😉 everythings there!!! ♥

VioletBlu26: Esther is actually somebody I recently started following because she had followed my blog so I definitely had to check out her stuff! I would definitely recommend her blog to a lot of ladies out there who need that extra push to incorporate beauty into their daily lives 🙂 Contouring, Foundation, Reviews, Beauty videos and everything beautiful! ♥

Ohmydexy: This beauty here hails from France! So her blog is pretty much all French but with my previous (and limited) knowledge of french I can read her blog posts with a breeze. Heck even if I didn’t know French I would still try to read her posts. Trust me, beautiful images, makeup reviews, pretty clothes and again AMAZING pictures. Super artsy and beautiful ♥

JazzyHands: A fairly new beauty in blogging, Jazzy or Jaz :). Experience traveling with her magical shots and positive words. Worth the follow for such beautiful pictures and shots.Kick back and relax with her blog. Passion is definitely here! ♥

A Vibrant Day: A very very pretty lady (seriously she is beautiful :)) who posts about daily life things. Beauty Box reviews, beauty videos, fashion, food, traveling. Everything! Check her out guys you won’t be disappointed with her content, it’s like a breath of fresh air ♥

BeautyVixens: This doll here is named Ashley and she’s a beauty! A beauty blogger mom who recently joined our beautiful community so lets welcome her with open arms 🙂 In her blog you’ll definitely find enough beauty to quench your thirst. She offers a great bunch of tips and advice. Extensions is something she covers also and her most recent was about foundation! So lets join her on her beauty journey 🙂 ♥

Marina’s Beauty Studio: Curls curls curls! A lovely curly headed beauty with a bunch of tips for haircare and beauty tricks. She’s absolutely stunning and gives great advice, especially if you have curly hair troubles! Nail art galore as well as makeup galore, this girl has pretty much the whole package and you’d be doing yourself wrong for not following! 🙂

There you go my lovelies! 🙂 Hope you check these beauties out and hopefully follow them on their journey!
Sorry for the ones who have already been nominated!

Keep on being beautiful loves 

Hei Hei Lovlies 

6 thoughts on “Beautiful Blogger Award!!! (Wooo! :D)

  1. Thanks *so* much!! I’m flattered by your description of my blog (seriously blushing!!). I will do the post and link back to you. I’m behind on these though, so it may take me a minute. P.s. I love Howl!! ☺️💕

  2. I just read your article, thanks u so much for your nomination, so much kindness in your description of my blog ❤️

    You’re so sweet !



  3. Pingback: Beautiful Blogger Award 🙈 |

  4. Pingback: Beautiful Blogger Award 🙈 |

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